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CVA and Stroke Rehabilitation

How Can CVA/Stroke Rehabilitation Benefit You?

Each year in the United States, more than 700,000 individuals experience a stroke, and around two-thirds of them require rehabilitation to regain some level of functioning. Research has shown that early rehabilitation following a stroke can significantly enhance long-term outcomes.



Our team of Physical Therapists promotes the use of supervised, goal-oriented exercises to encourage the utilization of impaired limbs. This approach aims not only to strengthen and rebuild muscles but also promotes brain plasticity and facilitate neurological healing.


The benefits of CVA Rehabilitation:

  • Patient’s RE-Learn essential skills like walking and stepping

  • Promote sensory stimulation to help reduce disabilities

  • Improve balance impairments

  • Functional Electrical Stimulation to assist with weak muscles

  • Motor Imagery to facilitate brain control of movement

  • Positioning to reduce spasms, muscle pain, slowness and stiffness

Would you like to schedule a personal consultation?

Feel free to contact us at (713)-270-5900 or send us an email. 

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